Dr. Helmuth A. Niederle

Dr. Helmuth A. Niederle is author of more than twenty books. Besides his own literary works, he has published a great body of translations from many language in German. Currently he is the president of PEN Austria (a chapter of PEN international). From 2000 to 2013 he worked as the commissioner of Writer in Prison Committees of Austrian P.E.N.,prior to that, he worked as deputy director and program coordinator of Austrian Literary Society. He has studied ethnology, art history, and sociology at the University of Vienna where he also worked as a lecturer. Apart from this, he is associated with a number of print media in Austria. He is the initiator and co-organizer of a series of symposia dedicated to the subject of “Literature and Migration” which he organized jointly with University of Vienna and the Austrian Literary Society. Since several years he is working as an editor for a number of renowned publishing houses in Austria and Germany. Since 2011 he is publishing a series of books for “edition pen”. He has received numerous awards for his engagement in the field of literature and art. This year state of Vienna has awarded him the honorary gold medal and he is the recipient of Austrian Cross of Honor 2017 for his contribution to art and literature.